WoW Classic Database
WoW Classic DB
Judgement Sabatons

Judgement Sabatons

Feet Armor Plate Item

World of Warcraft Classic Armor Plate Item

Judgement Sabatons

  • NameJudgement Sabatons
  • QualityEpic
  • Item Level76
  • TypeArmor
  • SubtypePlate
  • SlotFeet
  • ClassPaladin
  • Required Level60
  • Sell Price4Gold39Silver44Copper

Judgement Sabatons
Item Level 76
Binds when picked up
589 Armor
+13 Strength
+14 Intellect
+20 Stamina
+8 Spirit
+10 Fire Resistance
Durability 75 / 75
Classes: Paladin
Requires Level 60
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 18.
Judgement Armor (0/8)
Judgement Belt
Judgement Bindings
Judgement Breastplate
Judgement Crown
Judgement Gauntlets
Judgement Legplates
Judgement Sabatons
Judgement Spaulders
(3) Set : Increases the radius of a Paladin's auras by 10.
(5) Set : Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 47.
(8) Set : Inflicts 60 to 66 additional Holy damage on the target of a Paladin's Judgement.
Dropped by: Broodlord Lashlayer
Drop Chance: 12.94%
Sell Price: 4Gold39Silver44Copper


Boss Drop
Dropped by Broodlord Lashlayer in Blackwing Lair (24.03% drop chance).


    Usable by Paladin.