Halo of Transcendence
Head Armor Cloth Item
World of Warcraft Classic Armor Cloth Item
Halo of Transcendence
Item Level 76
Binds when picked up
94 Armor
+27 Intellect
+17 Stamina
+22 Spirit
+10 Fire Resistance
+10 Frost Resistance
Durability 60 / 60
Classes: Priest
Requires Level 60
Equip: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 48.
Vestments of Transcendence (0/8)
Belt of Transcendence
Bindings of Transcendence
Boots of Transcendence
Halo of Transcendence
Handguards of Transcendence
Leggings of Transcendence
Pauldrons of Transcendence
Robes of Transcendence
(3) Set : Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting.
(5) Set : When struck in melee there is a 50% chance you will Fade for 4 sec.
(8) Set : Your Greater Heals now have a heal over time component equivalent to a rank 5 Renew.
Dropped by: Onyxia
Drop Chance: 18.91%
Sell Price: 4

Usable by Priest.