Boots of Prophecy
Feet Armor Cloth Item
World of Warcraft Classic Armor Cloth Item
Boots of Prophecy
Item Level 66
Binds when picked up
70 Armor
+18 Intellect
+17 Stamina
+15 Spirit
+7 Shadow Resistance
Durability 50 / 50
Classes: Priest
Requires Level 60
Equip: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 18.
Vestments of Prophecy (0/8)
Boots of Prophecy
Circlet of Prophecy
Girdle of Prophecy
Gloves of Prophecy
Pants of Prophecy
Mantle of Prophecy
Robes of Prophecy
Vambraces of Prophecy
(3) Set : -0.1 sec to the casting time of your Flash Heal spell.
(5) Set : Improves your chance to get a critical strike with Holy spells by 2%.
(8) Set : Increases your chance of a critical hit with Prayer of Healing by 25%.
Dropped by: Shazzrah
Drop Chance: 23.73%
Sell Price: 2

Usable by Priest.