Permanent Lung Juice Cocktail vs Lion Meat
Side by side item comparison between Permanent Lung Juice Cocktail and Lion Meat
Permanent Lung Juice Cocktail vs Lion Meat comparison in World of Warcraft Classic
Permanent Lung Juice Cocktail vs Lion Meat

Permanent Lung Juice Cocktail
- NamePermanent Lung Juice Cocktail
- QualityCommon
- Item Level1
- TypeConsumable
- SlotNon-equippable
Permanent Lung Juice Cocktail
Item Level 1
Binds when picked up
Use: Increases Stamina by 25 when consumed.
"100% Grade A Lung Juice - Freshly Squeezed"

Lion Meat
- NameLion Meat
- QualityCommon
- Item Level23
- TypeTrade Goods
- SlotNon-equippable
- Sell Price55
Lion Meat
Item Level 23
Max Stack: 10
Sell Price: 55