Pattern: Fine Leather Pants vs Hakkari Shroud
Side by side item comparison between Pattern: Fine Leather Pants and Hakkari Shroud
Pattern: Fine Leather Pants vs Hakkari Shroud comparison in World of Warcraft Classic
Pattern: Fine Leather Pants vs Hakkari Shroud

Pattern: Fine Leather Pants
- NamePattern: Fine Leather Pants
- QualityUncommon
- Item Level21
- TypeRecipe
- SubtypeLeatherworking
- SlotNon-equippable
Pattern: Fine Leather Pants
Item Level 21
Requires Leatherworking (105)
Use: Teaches you how to craft Fine Leather Pants.
Fine Leather Pants
Item Level 21
Binds when equipped
69 Armor
+5 Intellect
+4 Spirit
Durability 55 / 55
Requires Level 16
Requires Medium Leather (8), Bolt of Woolen Cloth, Fine Thread
Sell Price: 3

Hakkari Shroud
Item Level 55
Binds when picked up
58 Armor
+15 Intellect
+16 Stamina
Durability 45 / 45
Sell Price: 45