Jazeraint Cloak vs Pattern: Shadowskin Gloves
Side by side item comparison between Jazeraint Cloak and Pattern: Shadowskin Gloves
Jazeraint Cloak vs Pattern: Shadowskin Gloves comparison in World of Warcraft Classic
Jazeraint Cloak vs Pattern: Shadowskin Gloves
Jazeraint Cloak
Item Level 38
Binds when equipped
25 Armor
<Random enchantment>
Requires Level 33
Sell Price: 27

Pattern: Shadowskin Gloves
- NamePattern: Shadowskin Gloves
- QualityCommon
- Item Level40
- TypeRecipe
- SubtypeLeatherworking
- SlotNon-equippable
Pattern: Shadowskin Gloves
Item Level 40
Requires Leatherworking (200)
Use: Teaches you how to craft Shadowskin Gloves.
Shadowskin Gloves
Item Level 40
Binds when equipped
76 Armor
+6 Stamina
Durability 35 / 35
Requires Level 35
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.
Requires Thick Leather (6), Shadowcat Hide (8), Black Pearl (2), Cured Heavy Hide (2), Shadowgem (4), Heavy Silken Thread
Sell Price: 8