Ebonhold Girdle vs Antenna of Invigoration
Side by side item comparison between Ebonhold Girdle and Antenna of Invigoration
Ebonhold Girdle vs Antenna of Invigoration comparison in World of Warcraft Classic
Ebonhold Girdle vs Antenna of Invigoration
Ebonhold Girdle
Item Level 54
Binds when equipped
165 Armor
+14 Intellect
+7 Stamina
Durability 35 / 35
Requires Level 49
Sell Price: 8960
Antenna of Invigoration
Item Level 68
Binds when equipped
80 - 149 Nature DamageSpeed 1.60
(71.56 damage per second)
+4 Intellect
Durability 65 / 65
Requires Level 60
Equip: Restores 3 mana per 5 sec.
Equip: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 13.
Sell Price: 52726