Schematic: Goblin Jumper Cables
Non-equippable Recipe Engineering Item
World of Warcraft Classic Recipe Engineering Item

Schematic: Goblin Jumper Cables
- NameSchematic: Goblin Jumper Cables
- QualityCommon
- Item Level33
- TypeRecipe
- SubtypeEngineering
- SlotNon-equippable
Schematic: Goblin Jumper Cables
Item Level 33
Requires Engineering (165)
Use: Teaches you how to make Goblin Jumper Cables.
Dropped by: Mekgineer Thermaplugg
Drop Chance: 0.23%
Goblin Jumper Cables
Item Level 33
Requires Engineering (165)
Use: Jumper Cables will sometimes be able to shock a dead player back to life. Cannot be used when in combat. (30 Min Cooldown)
Requires Iron Bar (6), Whirring Bronze Gizmo (2), Flask of Oil (2), Silk Cloth (2), Shadowgem (2), Fused Wiring
Sell Price: 5

Requires Engineering (165)