Plans: Runic Plate Shoulders
Non-equippable Recipe Blacksmithing Item
World of Warcraft Classic Recipe Blacksmithing Item

Plans: Runic Plate Shoulders
- NamePlans: Runic Plate Shoulders
- QualityUncommon
- Item Level60
- TypeRecipe
- SubtypeBlacksmithing
- SlotNon-equippable
Plans: Runic Plate Shoulders
Item Level 60
Binds when picked up
Requires Blacksmithing (300)
Use: Teaches you how to make Runic Plate Shoulders.
Dropped by: Strashaz Serpent Guard
Drop Chance: 2.10%
Runic Plate Shoulders
Item Level 60
Binds when equipped
527 Armor
+10 Fire Resistance
+10 Nature Resistance
Durability 70 / 70
Requires Level 55
Requires Thorium Bar (20), Arcanite Bar (2), Gold Bar (6)
Sell Price: 75

Requires Blacksmithing (300)