Pattern: Blue Linen Robe
Non-equippable Recipe Tailoring Item
World of Warcraft Classic Recipe Tailoring Item

Pattern: Blue Linen Robe
- NamePattern: Blue Linen Robe
- QualityCommon
- Item Level14
- TypeRecipe
- SubtypeTailoring
- SlotNon-equippable
Pattern: Blue Linen Robe
Item Level 14
Requires Tailoring (70)
Use: Teaches you how to sew a Blue Linen Robe.
Blue Linen Robe
Item Level 14
Binds when equipped
26 Armor
+3 Spirit
Durability 50 / 50
Requires Level 9
Requires Bolt of Linen Cloth (4), Coarse Thread (2), Blue Dye (2)
Sell Price: 75

Requires Tailoring (70)