Schematic: Green Firework vs Patch of Tainted Skin
Side by side item comparison between Schematic: Green Firework and Patch of Tainted Skin
Schematic: Green Firework vs Patch of Tainted Skin comparison in World of Warcraft Classic
Schematic: Green Firework vs Patch of Tainted Skin

Schematic: Green Firework
- NameSchematic: Green Firework
- QualityCommon
- Item Level30
- TypeRecipe
- SubtypeEngineering
- SlotNon-equippable
Schematic: Green Firework
Item Level 30
Requires Engineering (150)
Use: Teaches you how to make a Green Firework.
Green Firework
Item Level 20
Use: Shoots a firework into the air that bursts into a thousand green stars.
Max Stack: 5
Requires Heavy Blasting Powder, Heavy Leather
Sell Price: 4

Patch of Tainted Skin
- NamePatch of Tainted Skin
- QualityCommon
- Item Level1
- TypeQuest
- SlotNon-equippable
Patch of Tainted Skin
Item Level 1
Binds when picked up
Max Stack: 20