Draenethyst Shard vs Dwarven Homebrew
Side by side item comparison between Draenethyst Shard and Dwarven Homebrew
Draenethyst Shard vs Dwarven Homebrew comparison in World of Warcraft Classic
Draenethyst Shard vs Dwarven Homebrew
Draenethyst Shard
- NameDraenethyst Shard
- QualityCommon
- Item Level1
- TypeQuest
- SlotNon-equippable
Draenethyst Shard
Item Level 1
Quest Item
Dropped by: Ongeku
Drop Chance: 63.79%
Dwarven Homebrew
- NameDwarven Homebrew
- QualityCommon
- Item Level1
- TypeConsumable
- SlotNon-equippable
Dwarven Homebrew
Item Level 1
Duration: 7 days
Use: Combines 5 Dwarven Homebrews into a Case of Homebrew.
Max Stack: 20
Dropped by: Thief Catcher Shadowdelve